7groaster 7groaster 7groaster 7groaster 7groaster 7groaster 7groaster 7groaster
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Café #Restaurant #Coffee #Cafe #Breakfast
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Brunch très complet, spécialités de café Bel endroit proche caves "


"Buvez un café de spécialité à 7g Roaster, dans ce lieu super sympa du côté de Gaia et des caves de Porto, ils torréfient eux-mêmes leurs grains de café venus du monde entier. Ils proposent également des brunchs de folie"


"top pour un brunch et des bagels au saumon "


"Dégustation de café / petit déjeuner / service agréable "


"Pas beaucoup de monde, chill et tout à fait correct "


"Complete brunch with really good coffee"


"It is a fabulous place not only for serving a great brunch, but also because they have some of the best coffees in the city, and all fairly priced and not at all touristy (in spite of being full of tourists). The menu in 7g Roasters, while not extensive, is delicious: their pancakes with apple and caramel are to die for! You can, however, go for a savoury bowl (chicken, falafel or salmon) or even a well whipped up smoothie. Though they do have brunch menus at a reasonable price (between 14€ and 16€), I don’t think they are particularly worth going for. On the other hand, one simply cannot go to 7g Roaster without having one of their specialty coffees. You can enjoy them as you would a conventional coffee or as a filtered one extracted using your favourite method (Chemex, V60, etc). A word of advice: if you really love coffee simply ask for the “Batch Brew”, which is a kind of “daily special coffee”, as it works out much cheaper than any of the other options."


"Excellent coffee shop + brunch "


"Testé❤️ super café, joli cadre, au calme "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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