Chalkio Chalkio Chalkio Chalkio Chalkio Chalkio Chalkio Chalkio Chalkio
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"I’ve briefly touched on this in #3 of this post, as part of the organised bus tour. But you can reach it by public bus too. Chalki (or Halki) is a stunning tiny village. It was once the capital of Naxos as well as its main trade centre. This is where the aforementioned citron distillery is, so if you’ve not already done that on the tour then it’s worth going to. Let me know if you actually like citron, because I’m clearly missing something. Halki is a gem. Although it’s only a couple of roads, it’s full of stunning photo opportunities (not least this old VW Beetle parked under a matching tree). There are loads of cafés crammed in, all of which look really good (some serving traditional custard pastries, which I always have my beadiest of eyes on)."


"Situato sulle alture, Halki è un’occasione per fare un’affascinante passeggiata lungo le strade acciottolate e scoprire i negozi di prodotti tipici. La sua piazza centrale è molto bella con l’enorme platano al centro. È inoltre possibile gustare una buona cucina tradizionale in una delle taverne del villaggio. Non perdete l’occasione di visitare la distilleria di Vallindras, l’unico posto sull’isola dove viene prodotto il Kitron, il liquore locale che non troverete da nessun’altra parte in Grecia."


"Halki is one of the best places to see in Naxos. The village is located 20 minutes away from Hora, in the mountainous Tragea Valley. Located in the centre of Naxos, Halki is the perfect place if you want to enjoy a authentic Cycladic atmosphere."


"C’è distilleria di liquori più antica dell’isola"


"nice village to visit go to "Dolce vita" to eat the orange pie"

"Palazzi stile veneziano, chiese bizantine e ristoranti "


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