Syndicated Bar Theater Kitchen
Syndicated Bar Theater Kitchen Syndicated Bar Theater Kitchen Syndicated Bar Theater Kitchen Syndicated Bar Theater Kitchen

Syndicated Bar Theater Kitchen

Syndicated Bar Theater Kitchen est un cinéma atypique qui propose des cocktails et des repas. Profitez de délicieux cocktails à seulement 14$ et de plats abordables. L'endroit idéal pour passer une soirée cinéma à seulement 9$. Dégustez votre repas devant le film grâce aux petites tables. De plus, vous pourrez déguster de délicieuses bières à 8$. Le personnel est très sympathique et l'ambiance est unique. Ne manquez pas cette expérience cinématographique et culinaire exceptionnelle.

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709 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Cinema #Cinéma #Beer #Cocktails
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Bar avec élection présidentiel, checker soirée ciné "


"Cinéma indépendant à voir absolument, le lieu est super beau ! Je n’ai pas pu voir le film que je voulais voir car il n’y avait plus de places (nul) mais le bar est très mignon "


"A movie theater and restaurant — with wait service during the film in the same vein as Nitehawk Cinema."


"Wine Wednesday Bouteilles à 23 dollars Bon happy hour"


"Movie theater w a bar and restaurant"


"Cheap movies and awesome spot generally "


"Cinema-bar !! The bar is beautiful, industrial style. And super cinema. With food and drinks served at your seat "


"bar, cinéma, soirées téléréalité, très coolos "


"Bar and movie theater - they air animated shorts before Oscar season! "


"If you love Nitehawk, Syndicated is for you. Featuring food and cocktail service — why not have a "Nutty Professor ’63" gin or "The Shape of Watermelon" vodka cocktails brought right to your seat? — this is a movie theater fit for a foodie. Menu items include burgers, fried chicken, fried calamari and even salads. Syndicated doesn’t screen first-run movies; it skews toward cult classics like "The Big Lebowski," "Pulp Fiction" and "Harold and Maude.""


"If you love Nitehawk, Syndicated is for you. Featuring food and cocktail service — why not have a "Nutty Professor ’63" gin or "The Shape of Watermelon" vodka cocktails brought right to your seat? — this is a movie theater fit for a foodie. Menu items include burgers, fried chicken, fried calamari and even salads. Syndicated doesn’t screen first-run movies; it skews toward cult classics like "The Big Lebowski," "Pulp Fiction" and "Harold and Maude.""


"Very unique space, old theater where you can have a drink, eat some bites and see some movies."


"ciné 9$ très bonne sélection de films on peut manger devant le film (petites tables) bières 8$ très bonne nourriture ~10-12$ personnel très sympa"

"Great drinks. Good looking food. Huge space and they also show movies!"


"Such a cool bar! Movie theater and plays movies on sidewalk. Chocolate chip cookies and popcorn served at bar and bachelor/bachelorette viewing parties! "


"bar with outdoor movies"


"Almost everyday SIDEWALK CINEMA ( - films play at 9PM, first come, first served (you have to sit in the outdoor dining area), seating area covered for rainy weather"


"Indoor and outdoor movie theater"


"Pop corn curry + mais grillé caramel"


"A movie theater and restaurant — with wait service during the film in the same vein as Nitehawk Cinema."


"Cinéma et resto en même temps ! "


"A movie theater and restaurant — with wait service during the film in the same vein as Nitehawk Cinema."


"a place where you can watch a movie, while eating a delicious meal and enjoying a drink"


"Watch classic movies while you eat/drink. Fun!"


"Y aller le Samedi soir drinking game devant un film "


"cine et bar, le lieu est magnifique surtout le bar. possibilité de se faire servir a manger et a boire pendant le film"


"A movie theater and restaurant — with wait service during the film in the same vein as Nitehawk Cinema."


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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