Oranjezicht City Farm - Market
Oranjezicht City Farm - Market Oranjezicht City Farm - Market Oranjezicht City Farm - Market Oranjezicht City Farm - Market Oranjezicht City Farm - Market Oranjezicht City Farm - Market Oranjezicht City Farm - Market Oranjezicht City Farm - Market

Oranjezicht City Farm - Marché et Restaurant à CPT

Le marché Oranjezicht City Farm est un endroit unique à Cape Town, offrant une expérience de shopping authentique et une variété de stands de nourriture, de vêtements et d'artisanat. Ouvert le mercredi soir et les samedis et dimanches matin jusqu'à 14h, ce marché est un véritable paradis pour les amateurs de brunch. Vous pourrez déguster des mets internationaux, des smoothies, des bières artisanales et bien plus encore. Profitez de l'ambiance conviviale et découvrez des produits locaux uniques. Que vous soyez en quête d'une soirée animée ou d'un début de week-end relaxant, le marché Oranjezicht City Farm saura vous séduire. Ne manquez pas l'occasion de découvrir ce lieu recommandé par de nombreux visiteurs enthousiastes!

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Market #Shopping #Restaurant #Marché #Lunch
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Plein de good truck (lobster très bon) dans un cadre paradisiaque "


"Market that sells everything from clothes, furniture and coffee beans, to local oysters, smoothies and craft beers. It's open on Wednesday evenings if you're after an evening plan, but would recommend starting your weekend (open during the day) here! Grab a coffee, have a wee mooch around the market and grab some market stall food for brunch!"


"petit marché hyper mimi - j'ai mangé des samosas pas mal du tout, pareil pour les avocado toasts 🥑 (il m'en faut peu) la petite gaufre sucre et cannelle était bien sympa aussi - fine mais croustillante "


"Food market + grocery market Wednesday (summer), Saturdays and Sundays. Fav place to eat on the weekends "


"Go on Wednesday night for the night market "


"Incroyable endroit pour manger"


"Cozy market. Good food, with a lot of different tastes and options. (Go on wednesday to eat and drink something). "


"Market with local products, and street food. Opened on Saturdays and Sundays until 3pm (check prior). Super relaxed, great for lunch and perhaps gift shopping."


"Another big viby market. Lots of good food and hip shopping stalls. Good to combine with a trip to V&A Waterfront. There are also cocktails and a dj during non-covid times. The thing this market beats the others on is for breads and fruit. A whole section of the market is for take home fresh groceries. It is open Saturday and Sunday morning to afternoon and then Wednesday evening."


"marché fermier le samedi matin idéal pour grignoter face à la mer"


"Super schöner Food Markt an der waterfront"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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