La Verrerie de Biot
La Verrerie de Biot La Verrerie de Biot La Verrerie de Biot La Verrerie de Biot La Verrerie de Biot La Verrerie de Biot La Verrerie de Biot La Verrerie de Biot
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"verrerie à visiter. je ne l'ai jamais visité mais il paraît que c est vraiment chouette "


"The village is famed for its glass production which started in 1956 when Eloi Monod created "La Verrerie de Biot". There are now eight different glass studios in Biot - many of them can be visited free of charge. At La Verrerie there is also an international glass gallery with major artists' work on show, so while in Biot it is worth stopping by for a bit of culture. Once in Biot, we recommend 'Gallerie des Arcades' that serves very traditional tasty Provençale food and where you'll be able to admire paintings from Fernand Leger and Picasso. --- For hundreds of years Biot was known for its pottery, mainly the “Biot Jars.” The clay and cinerite in the soil of the area provided the ingredients for a booming industry. There is evidence of the jars being manufactured as early as 1308, but it was in the 16th century that the jars started becoming a main part of the village’s commerce. For over 200 years there were more than 40 different potters in the village making jars that were exported all over the world. Each one had his own stamp and seal which was affixed to the jars. The inside of each jar was waterproofed so that they could be used to store both wet and dry goods. Everything from olives and olive oil to wheat and flour to dried fruits and vegetables were stored and shipped in the jars. During the four centuries when the pottery industry was at its peak in Biot there were hundreds of thousands of these jars manufactured. You can still see many examples of these “jars” in a wonderful museum, Le Musée d’Histoire et de Céramique Biotoises (The Biotoise Museum of History and Ceramics). Located in an old chapel on the edge of the original village the museum showcases not just these jars but numerous heritage items that trace the history of the village since antiquity. Entrance is only a few Euros and there is a surprising amount of things to see in such a small museum. Since 1956, Biot has become known for another artistic trade: blown glass. The speciality of the village glassblowers is bubble glass, first brought to prominence by Éloi Monod, who then went on to train an entire generation of craftsmen. You can visit many authentic glassworks in Biot as well as galleries which display the work and shops which offer a wide selection of pieces to purchase. La Verrerie de Biot offers a glass workshop where you can see the glass-blowers working live."


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