Restaurante Jardin
Restaurante Jardin Restaurante Jardin Restaurante Jardin Restaurante Jardin Restaurante Jardin Restaurante Jardin Restaurante Jardin Restaurante Jardin
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Restaurante #Terraza #Fancy #Etoilé ✨
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"1 Michelin star 2024 Chef Macarena de Castro A restaurant that is on the up thanks to chef Macarena de Castro (Maca), who has become increasingly committed to sustainability and supports a policy of reafforestation. Located on the first floor of a villa-style building, the restaurant features a dining space with a modern, avant-garde ambience that it shares with the Jardin Bistró (on the ground floor, with a format that is a little easier on the pocket). The creative menu served here is inspired by the Mediterranean as well as the best seasonal ingredients that Mallorca has to offer, most of which are sourced from nearby auctions, small producers on the island, or from the restaurant's vegetable garden in Sa Pobla. As soon as you walk through the door here, the restaurant's love of its local area is clearly evident! ☀️ Sustainable Gastronomy 90% of our ingredients are produced on our own farm in Sa Pobla, where we are reintroducing local varieties that have almost disappeared from the island. We try to close the circle which goes from the seed to the plate via a simple philosophy: eat what we have nearby in order to go further."


"From the Telegraph: "Feted by gourmands, Macarena de Castro, the eponymous owner, was the first female chef on the island to be awarded a Michelin star. From a family of respected restaurateurs, she is loyal to her Majorcan ancestry while introducing a subtle and modern edginess to her cuisine. The elegantly designed, contemporary restaurant is dotted with canvasses, some by Antonio de Castro, a family member, and has an inviting and romantic garden. Using fresh ingredients from her own orchard, Macarena offers Mediterranean dishes with her own distinct signature such as chilled cherry soup with lobster or tender Galician-style octopus with crispy sea anemone.""


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