Thermes de Bath
Thermes de Bath Thermes de Bath Thermes de Bath Thermes de Bath Thermes de Bath Thermes de Bath

Les Thermes Romains de Bath - Découvrez ce Monument Historique

Les Thermes Romains de Bath, situés en Angleterre, sont un site historique incontournable à visiter. Fondés par les Romains, ce musée vivant vous plonge dans l'histoire de l'époque romaine. En plus de la découverte du monument, vous pourrez profiter d'un restaurant sur place pour une pause gourmande. Réservez votre visite à l'avance pour ne pas manquer cette expérience unique. Laissez-vous guider par l'atmosphère authentique de ce lieu chargé d'histoire et d'émotions. Les Thermes Romains de Bath sont bien plus qu'un simple musée, c'est une immersion dans le passé à ne pas manquer lors de votre séjour à Bath.

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"Très bien et intéressant, 30£ mais visite très complète avec audioguide + plus de 2h"


"À voir - cher mais la visite est rentable et l’audioguide gratuit aide à rythmer la visite (plutôt focus côté romain) "


"Popular attraction in Bath, not cheap but worth doing "


"Attention réserver à l’avance "


"Station thermale fondée par les Romains, Bath a été un centre important de l'industrie lainière au Moyen âge. Au XVIIIe siècle, sous George III, elle est devenue une ville élégante aux bâtiments néoclassiques inspirés par Palladio qui ont harmonieusement entouré le complexe thermal romain."




"the pump room: Afternoon tea of the Roman bath, book in advance £26 "


"UNESCO World Heritage According to legend, it was King Lear's father, Bladud, who inadvertently discovered the healing properties of the hot springs. Packed off to tend pigs on his own because he had contracted leprosy, he saw that his charges loved wallowing in the water, tried it himself, and was cured. At the Sacred Spring at Bath, the hot mineral springs bubble up from the ground at temperatures above 104 °F (40 °C) and the main one produces more than 300,000 gallons (1.3 million liters) a day. The spring was known to the pre-Roman Celtic people of Britain and their presiding genius was the Celtic goddess Sulis. When the Romans arrived, they called the site Aquae Sulis, "waters of Sulis," and created a spa that became famous throughout the Roman world. It included a Classical-style temple to the goddess of wisdom, Minerva, with whom the Romans identified Sulis. The bathing complex was unusually extravagant in its use of hot water. The facilities were gradually enlarged to accommodate the numbers of pilgrims who traveled from afar, and the complex remained in use until the fourth or fifth century. The bather would progress through the tepidarium or warm room, and then through a set of increasingly hot "Turkish" baths to a bracing plunge in the cold bath and finally a wallow in the warm, steamy water of the Great Bath. With four steps along all four sides, the Great Bath in its impressive hall was a place for meeting and chatting as well as bathing. People could stroll along the paved floor around the pool, and there were niches in the walls for sitting and watching the bathers without getting splashed. The baths were abandoned after the Romans withdrew from Britain, but the complex was excavated from the 1870s on. It is below the modern street level and the Great Bath today is open to the sky and visible from the street."


"This city was named because of this place so you may as well check it out "


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