Great Sphinx of Giza
Great Sphinx of Giza Great Sphinx of Giza Great Sphinx of Giza Great Sphinx of Giza Great Sphinx of Giza Great Sphinx of Giza Great Sphinx of Giza Great Sphinx of Giza
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"Best entrance to start the exploration, less crowded. You can visit everything inside by walking, don’t ride horses/camels, they’re treated very badly. "


"UNESCO World Heritage The Greeks used the word "sphinx" for a creature of ancient Egyptian mythology that had the face of a human and the body of a lion. Sphinxes in Egyptian belief guarded thresholds and sacred complexes, and were identified with royal power and the sun god. The Greek name was derived from or linked with a verb meaning "to strangle, hence the tale of the female Theban sphinx that strangled people who failed to answer its riddle: what goes first on four feet, then on two, then on three? When Oedipus got the correct answer--man--the sphinx killed itself. The greatest Egyptian sphinx is the colossal one next to the pyramid of Khafre at Giza, whose face is a portrait of the pharaoh himself. Facing the rising sun, it has seen more than a million sunrises. It may have been carved out of a block of limestone left by the builders of Khafre's pyramid, but there are theories that Khafre's father, Khufu, built it or that it is far older and was there long before the pyramids. The sphinx was covered with sand by the time of Thutmose IV, who saw it in a dream. The dream promised him the throne of Egypt if he restored the sphinx. He did so around 1400 B.C.E. and became pharaoh. One of the world's oldest and largest monumental statues, the Great Sphinx is 185 feet (57 m) long, 20 feet (6 m) wide, and 65 feet (20 m) high. The Arabs called it Abu ul-Hol (Father of Terror). It was damaged by a fanatical Muslim ruler in 1380 and was subsequently used for target practice by soldiers. Legend spoke of secret passages inside the sphinx's figure and archeologists have discovered three tunnels in it that do not seem to lead anywhere. The sphinx's face is famously missing its nose, but whether this is due to vandalism or to the rigors of weather and time on the limestone is still open to debate. A major restoration project was carried out on the statue in the 1990s."


"Day 6 : Giza Pyramids & Sphinx"


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