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Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
101 Best restaurants of Los Angeles
"#34 Saghar Fanisalek grew up in Shiraz, an ancient city in south-central Iran. Seek out her six-table restaurant hidden among Westwood’s throngs of Iranian American cafes and markets. Her menu dabbles in modernist concoctions such as spiced lentil-quinoa salad with raisins and dates, but the heart of her cooking lands squarely in tradition: kebabs, rice and dips, all prepared with exacting finesse. Koobideh kebabs display a master’s hand, the grated onion in the tender-singed beef added in just the right proportions, every bite precisely seasoned. Same for the lemony grilled chicken and nicely singed cubes of filet mignon; the trio can be ordered as a combo. Over a few visits I noticed enough regulars composing forkfuls of grilled trout (a frequent special) with rice and charred tomato that I finally ordered the dish and instantly understood its balanced appeal. Amid heartening people-watching in an understated but wholly welcoming space, the restaurant is a wonderful way to experience the finest of culinary Tehrangeles. No alcohol. Street parking. Credit cards accepted."
In the Loup - a foodie's world map
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The Apple Pan
10801 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90064, United States
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Tatsu Ramen
2123 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, United States
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Tsujita LA Artisan Noodles
2057 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, États-Unis
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Sichuan Impression
11057 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA
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Diddy Riese
926 Broxton Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024, États-Unis
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Taste of Tehran
1915 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, États-Unis
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Hammer Museum
10899 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024, États-Unis
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In-N-Out Burger
922 Gayley, Los Angeles, CA 90024, États-Unis
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B Sweet Dessert Bar
2005 Sawtelle Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, États-Unis
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Tacos Tu Madre
2, 1945 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, United States
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"#94 Best Restaurant by LA Time in 2023"
"West Los Angeles Persian $$ Take out To experience the fuller glories of the Persian table in L.A. — baghali pokhte (fava beans with mint and pistachio sauce), chicken and herb stew with three kinds of citrus, the range of egg dishes called kookoo — you’ll likely need an invitation to someone’s home. That, or a copy of local author Naz Deravian’s book “Bottom of the Pot” under your arm as you wander Westwood’s brimming Iranian markets. Out in the world, among the neighborhood’s many kebab houses, we have Taste of Tehran. Chef and owner Saghar Fanisalek offers a reassuring mix of dishes — marinated meats singed over flames and served with snow banks of rice, yogurt and eggplant dips as tart as they are rich — all with uncommon finesse. An ideal amount of grated onion sharpens the beef koobideh, which is expertly shaped in undulating patterns on the skewer; the chicken kabob has deeply absorbed its lemony marinade; and the tahdig — that bottom-of-the-pot rice — shatters like crystal. Fanisalek’s tiny restaurant has tables that spill out onto the sidewalk of a busy corner. In the symbiosis of the cityscape, you’ll be people-watching while passersby watch back, appraising your feast with hungry eyes."
"#34 Saghar Fanisalek grew up in Shiraz, an ancient city in south-central Iran. Seek out her six-table restaurant hidden among Westwood’s throngs of Iranian American cafes and markets. Her menu dabbles in modernist concoctions such as spiced lentil-quinoa salad with raisins and dates, but the heart of her cooking lands squarely in tradition: kebabs, rice and dips, all prepared with exacting finesse. Koobideh kebabs display a master’s hand, the grated onion in the tender-singed beef added in just the right proportions, every bite precisely seasoned. Same for the lemony grilled chicken and nicely singed cubes of filet mignon; the trio can be ordered as a combo. Over a few visits I noticed enough regulars composing forkfuls of grilled trout (a frequent special) with rice and charred tomato that I finally ordered the dish and instantly understood its balanced appeal. Amid heartening people-watching in an understated but wholly welcoming space, the restaurant is a wonderful way to experience the finest of culinary Tehrangeles. No alcohol. Street parking. Credit cards accepted."
"Good food, not comfortable Loud music. Great for takeout "