Doi Inthanon National Park
Doi Inthanon National Park Doi Inthanon National Park Doi Inthanon National Park Doi Inthanon National Park Doi Inthanon National Park Doi Inthanon National Park Doi Inthanon National Park Doi Inthanon National Park Doi Inthanon National Park
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"Highest point of Thailand "


"La plus haute montagne de Thaïlande Enfilez vos baskets et partez dans l'un des parcs nationaux les plus appréciés de Thaïlande au sommet de la plus haute montagne du pays qui est située à 80 km de Chiang Mai. Célèbre pour ses cascades, ses sentiers de randonnées, ses villages isolés et ses points de vue à couper le souffle. Avec notre guide local, observez l’ensemble de la nature environnante le temps d’une journée."


"Trekking enthusiasts and nature lovers alike will find themselves at home in Doi Inthanon National Park, known as the 'Roof' of Thailand due to its highest peak in the nation. This destination offers a landscape of lush forests and majestic waterfalls. The park features several trails leading through dense forestation teeming with exotic flora and fauna, ideal for bird watching too. For history enthusiasts, visiting ancient ruins scattered across the park can provide a glimpse of past civilizations that thrived here."


"Amazing 🤩 this is was just magical . I would suggest to come during the sunset or sunrise ☺️"


"A la découverte de refuge pour éléphants 🐘"


"Highest mountain in Thailand!"


"Highest view on Chiang Mai"


"À faire mais attention attrape touriste pour la journée !"


"Plus haute montagne du pays "


"Interesante para trekking "


"The highest point in Thailand. Hire a private driver to take you and make lots of stops (waterfalls) along the way. {Steph Tyler-YouTube}"


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