Sincerely, Tommy
Sincerely, Tommy Sincerely, Tommy Sincerely, Tommy Sincerely, Tommy Sincerely, Tommy Sincerely, Tommy Sincerely, Tommy
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247 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Shopping #Coffee #Café #Concept store #Coffee shop
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Lifestyle store featuring emerging womenswear brands and objects, with a vegan cafe and hostel S,T Eat & Stay."


"Kai Avent-deLeon's crisp concept store is a neat introduction to up-and-coming Brooklyn district Bed-Stuy, a hip pocket flanked by Williamsburg and Clinton Hill. The stylish owner grew up a few blocks from here, which instils a neighbourhood feel, as does her curation of emerging native brands, a coffee bar serving locally roasted beans and the inviting wooden bench out front. The shop stocks niche brands from further afield too, including Australia and Hungary, and celebrates the flashy, such as silver culottes by Sophie Andes Gascon, as much as the crafty, for instance the recycled bags from Peru. The sophisticated house label is conceived by Avent-deLeon; pleasingly, nothing in this collection is priced higher than $300. 343 Tompkins Avenue, T718 484 8484,"


"Kai Avent-deLeon's crisp concept store is a neat introduction to up-and-coming Brooklyn district Bed-Stuy, a hip pocket flanked by Williamsburg and Clinton Hill. The stylish owner grew up a few blocks from here, which instils a neighbourhood feel, as does her curation of emerging native brands, a coffee bar serving locally roasted beans and the inviting wooden bench out front. The shop stocks niche brands from further afield too, including Australia and Hungary, and celebrates the flashy, such as silver culottes by Sophie Andes Gascon, as much as the crafty, for instance the recycled bags from Peru. The sophisticated house label is conceived by Avent-deLeon; pleasingly, nothing in this collection is priced higher than $300. 343 Tompkins Avenue, T718 484 8484,"


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