Royal Pavilion - Musée et monument historique à visiter
Le Royal Pavilion est un musée et monument historique situé à Brighton. Il a été la résidence secondaire du prince George IV au début du XIXe siècle. Ce magnifique palais est célèbre pour son architecture asiatique unique en son genre. Lors de votre visite, vous pourrez admirer l'extérieur impressionnant du bâtiment. À l'intérieur, vous découvrirez un musée fascinant qui retrace l'histoire de ce lieu emblématique. Ne manquez pas cette occasion de découvrir ce monument historique et de vous amuser en apprenant sur son histoire et son architecture exceptionnelle.
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La Passion des Chateaux

Mademoiselle Bon Plan

Sand in My Shoes

Les plus beaux châteaux et palais du monde
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"Un peu cher mais super beau "
"vedere anche dentro, giardini a ingresso libero"
"Une fontaine se trouve à proximité où l’ont peut observer des Goélands. Objectif 70-200 convient "
"• Brighton • Aujourd’hui on est allé à Brighton avec EF! Cette ville est magnifique, c’était d’ailleurs un peu trop cours et je pense que j’y reviendrai très vite! Sinon gros coup de cœur pour le Pavillon Royal. L’architecture était tellement belle 🙈 Maintenant on est dans le car et on rentre direction Bournemouth 🌊 On est dimanche, alors c’est le moment de discuter, quoi de prévu pour cette nouvelle semaine? En vacances si oui où? Des sorties de prévues ou du travail? Bonne soirée 🌇"
"The process that turned the obscure fishing village of Brighthelmstone on the Sussex coast into the queen of English seaside resorts started in the 1750s when a certain Dr. Richard Russell settled there and recommended sea bathing and drinking seawater for good health. Wealthy invalids began rolling up to take the cure and in 1783 the Prince of Wales, future Prince Regent and King George IV, paid a visit in the hope of alleviating his gout. He rented a farmhouse near the seafront and in 1787 had the architect Henry Holland build him a substantial Classical-style villa there. From 1815 to 1822 the house was transformed by John Nash into something resembling the mythical pleasure dome of Kubla Khan, with minarets and domes in the Indian Mogul manner and wildly extravagant Indian and Chinese-style interiors. Even in the kitchen the cooks worked among cast-iron palm trees and it is said that when George first set foot in his new music room, he wept for sheer joy. Brighton quickly acquired a reputation for licentiousness. One of its advantages for George was that he could keep Maria Fitzherbert, whom he had secretly and illegally married in 1785, close by him. She had a house on Old Steine. George gave Brighton its royal cachet, but the Pavilion was not really Queen Victoria's style and she abandoned it. The furniture and fittings were largely shipped off to London and, in 1849, the pleasure dome was sold to the town council for £53,000 (equivalent to $6 million or more today). It was used variously as a hospital, concert venue, and radar station, and gradually its condition deteriorated. In 1982 an ambitious program of restoration of the structure and stonework was begun, followed by refurbishment of the magnificently exotic interiors. To complete the picture, many of the original items have been returned on loan from the royal family."
"Palais de style indien datant du XIXème siècle. "