Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver
Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver Hotel Clermont Atlanta, by Oliver
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#Rooftop #Hotel #Restaurant #View #Cosy
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"1 Michelin Key 4* Not all that long ago, Atlanta’s Clermont Hotel was famous for two things: the landmark sign on its rooftop radio tower, and the Clermont Lounge, a legendary slice of nightlife in the basement. Both of those features still exist, but what’s in between them — a 1920s red-brick edifice that’s seen good times and bad — has been thoroughly renovated, and reinvented as a 94-room boutique hotel, complete with a hip restaurant by a celebrated local chef and a couple of in-demand nightspots (that’s in addition to the basement’s attractions). The renovation was a thorough one, turning a residential hotel into a sparkling clean modern lodging — albeit one that retains more than a little bit of Twenties character. The look is retro-influenced but not old-fashioned, and it’s an eclectic one as well, mixing Art Deco and mid-century modernist influences with contemporary art and up-to-date electronics. Its neighborhood, Poncey-Highland, is on the up lately, and features no small amount of nightlife of its own. But the Clermont more than holds its own in that department; Tiny Lou’s, the French-Southern brasserie, serves dinner and a weekend brunch, while the lobby bar features creative cocktails and late-night bites. Café Clermont serves Revelator coffee, and the Roof Top is exactly what it sounds like: a rooftop bar with far-ranging views and a colorful crowd of locals and guests."


"A classic! Great view of the city "


"pinned from instagram:"


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