Punta Galera
Punta Galera Punta Galera Punta Galera Punta Galera Punta Galera Punta Galera Punta Galera Punta Galera Punta Galera
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Plage #Beach #Spiaggia #Sunset #Playa
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"This bay is an old stone quarry that has been left with a series of stone slab steps, perfect for jumping and swimming from or just lazing in the sunshine. The epic spit of rock jutting out from the shore is perfectly positioned for watching the sun setting over the island, and you can scramble along the top for amazing views, or down to the lovely little beach Platja de Sa Galera below."


"Une de mes plages préférées !! Elle est pas mega facile d’accès, faut marcher pas mal mais ça en vaut la peine x1000. C’est là qu’il y a hippie haha…"


"Sunset 🌅 📍Ctra. Vénda de Portinatx, 104-190, 07810 Sant Joan de Labritja, Illes Balears"


"Scogliera da cui tuffarsi, bella baia tra le rocce"


"Casi degun (personne) ! Trop cool - 15min en vélo de San Antonio "


"Just a little further south of Cala Salada on the west coast lies Punta Galera north of San Antonio on the road to Santa Inés. Known for rock formations that form unusual natural shelves, they also provide the perfect flat platform to lay down your towel and soak up the rays. These shelves also double up as a stairway down to the sea, making navigation slightly less hazardous. Totally unspoilt, you won't find any brash beach clubs or loud thudding music here. A rare noise-pollution-free zone. Bliss."


"Ex spiaggia nudista con ancora qualcuno che pratica. Mare top, no sabbia ma scogli."


"Cabo con terrazas rocosas, popular para saltar desde peñascos, contemplar el atardecer y hacer esnórquel en sus aguas cristalinas."


"Le repaire des hippies d’Ibiza."


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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