#FREEVEMBER : All maps are free!
1 Million maps explored by our users, it's something we intend to celebrate with you! On this beautiful occasion we have decided to spoil you and launch: FREEVEMBER.
But what is it? Nothing more simple, we start with 2 weeks during which every maps on the store will be freely accessible to let you discover the nuggets of your favorite media, guides and influencers!
For the most foodies among you...
Elle à table: Epicureans, lift the veil on this map that brings together the best and the brightest of all restaurants from all over the world. Your taste buds will thank you later!
For our lifestyle addicts
Vogue Paris' Parisian addresses: Vogue Paris reveals its favorite addresses between dream hotels, temple of well-being, secret vintage boutique and confidential art gallery. Let Vogue guide you through the best addresses in Paris.
For our travel lovers
Petit Futé - Berlin: From hotels to restaurants and secrets addresses to visit, Le Petit Futé has thought of everything so that you don't think of anything!
If Berlin is not in your plans, you will certainly find your happiness in one of the 460 maps of Le Petit Futé!